“There is a point when artistry, passion and showmanship transforms a performance into something that is magical.”
Refreshing, joyful, stunning, heart-warming are a few of the praises expressed by audiences describing their experiences following a concert performance by Shadows Of The 60’s “Supreme Girls Of Motown” as they pay tribute to America’s iconic Motown female artists. From beginning to end a smile never leaves their faces, an outer reflection of the joy they themselves feel about the music.
The elegant costumes, the grace, the charm are all components that fit together perfectly to bring you the illusion of being right back in the mid-60’s singing along in a packed concert hall, when The Girls Of Motown reigned the air-waves across the globe with a string of number one hits. So, come take a stroll down this most joyous of times in American Music history when you could understand each and every word that came out of a singer’s mouth.